What does a graduation party at an elite school look like? We know exactly, because we organized this celebration for one of the most famous schools in Moscow, for whose graduates not only the best Moscow, but also famous foreign higher education institutions compete.

We expected everything: from a gathering of lonely geniuses discussing the role of personality in history and the theory of passionarity all evening, to a party of "golden youth" squeamishly looking at the year on wine bottles and despising the presenter for a suit cheaper than half a million.
But reality turned out to be more surprising than any fiction. First of all, we were surprised by the parents of the graduates. They suggested that we shoot a music video of "Vita needs to go out" as a "farewell from parents". Then the song was replaced, but the beginning was already delightful. During the filming of the video they gladly portrayed rockers in acid-colored wigs, rode a cool bike, and at the end they gave us a tour of "important places of the school". And they showed us where students go to skip classes, and around which corner they run away for a smoke.

In general, frolicking like children. And for the children wanted only the most drive, the most sparkling. A cover band? - No, boring. We should have the real Beatles come to the kids. All right, fine. Not the real Beatles.
A dance band? - That's boring. Let the cops dance.
Champagne? - Oh, so much for the booze. Let champagne be the show!
What about us? We like it when the client has desires and an understanding of what he wants. And to find dancing policemen and almost real Beatles in Moscow is not difficult, at least for us. And we found a presenter so that school teachers hissed in the backstage hall: "They listen to him better than they have listened to us in ten years".

And the graduates, who already had tickets to Oxford and Sorbonne in their pockets, turned out to be nice guys. Smart, but without being nerdy, with an appreciation of expensive things and entertainment - but without snobbery. Just nice guys. who had just started a happy adult life.
Organization: Studio NOVA Wedding&Event
Venue: Simple pleasure
Decorator: Secret Garden
Photographer: Mikhail
Videographer: Taras Drobot
Host: Sasha Potekhin
Number of guests: 80 people
Preparation time: 8 months
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