"Eco-wedding in Moscow"



Surprisingly tender and pure in style, the summer wedding of a young doctor and a teacher is a perfect couple, whose story can't help but delight.

Despite the fact that Dima is an orthopedist by specialization, he voluntarily went to the intensive care unit of Sklifosovsky to save the victims of COVID-19, which he told about quite everyday in between preparations for the wedding. And the whole process of preparation together with our wedding agency took place in the moments between his exits from the "red zone".
"This groom is unbelievable, one of the most correct people," they said of him at the wedding. That's how he showed himself day after day, making decisions easily and quickly.

And Elia is the sweetest, kindest, brightest. About such as she said that now "such do not make". It's as if she came to us from the last century, filled with love for children, flowers, life and her fiancé. Modest Elia was so moved at the ceremony that she could not utter a word: she spoke from the heart.
Organization: Studio NOVA Wedding&Event
Venue: Lesnoy Bereg
Host: Alexander Pastukhov
DJ: Igor Dumchenkov
Photo: Alexander Dzyubchuk
Decor: Shishka
Number of guests: 30 people